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Important Information About Your GEBA Vision Insurance

Thank you to the many members who have selected GEBA Vision Plans for your 2021 needs!

We appreciate your trust in GEBA and National Vision Administrators! For those who renewed your plans, you can continue to use your existing cards. For those of you with new plans, you will receive your insurance card(s) in the mail. USPS is experiencing unprecedented volume increases and limited employee availability. We appreciate your patience as it may take a little longer than normal for you to receive your ID card.

Access Your Benefits Online

To access your personal benefit information, track claims, print your ID card or find a participating provider, please visit www.e-nva.com. You can provide your NVA number (three zeros in front of your Member ID) and GEBA Group number 133900 to your vision provider if you don’t have your card.

Vision Insurance - Plan Logo

Exclusive Benefits from the Organization Feds Have Trusted Since 1957.

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