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$50K Guaranteed Group Term Life Insurance

Trust GEBA – For Guaranteed Coverage. No Medical Questions, No Medical Exam.

Guaranteed Group Term Life Insurance

Get $50,000 of additional life insurance coverage guaranteed today! The application process is quick, and coverage is GUARANTEED. Coverage cannot be denied due to your health. Must be age 50 or younger when applying. GEBA’s coverage is issued by New York Life Insurance Company, one of the most respected life insurance companies in the nation since 1845.

Happy Couple

The coverage is yours, not tied to your employer.

This coverage is “portable,” meaning even if you leave the federal government, you can maintain your GEBA coverage.



To qualify for this offer, you must be a U.S. citizen, 50 years or younger, and a civilian federal employee, or military, and not previously declined for coverage. This coverage is not available to Sponsored Family Members. 

*Cost increases as the member grows older. Coverage reduces starting at age 65. Visit here for current Group Term Life Insurance Premiums.

Coverage will reduce for members upon attaining age 65 as follows: age 65 coverage amount reduces to 50% of benefit, age 70 coverage amount reduces to 30%, age 75 coverage amount reduces to 15%, age 80 coverage terminates. Premiums do not reduce.

Contact our knowledgeable Member Services staff for more information on how you can apply for your GEBA benefits today. 

(800) 826-1126

[email protected]

Trust GEBA – Securing Feds’ Financial Futures for Over 65 Years

Group Term Life Insurance underwritten by New York Life Insurance Company, 51 Madison Avenue, New York, NY 10010 on Policy form GMR. New York Life’s state of domicile is New York, and NAIC ID # is 66915. New York Life is licensed/authorized to transact business in all 50 United States, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, and Canada. However, not all group policies it underwrites are available in all jurisdictions. Please check the applicable insurance brochures for current availability.

Bates: 1866327

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