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Open Season runs through December 6.

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Compare, Select, and Enroll in GEBA Vision

GEBA’s two Vision Plans with National Vision Administrators® provide comprehensive coverage, including an annual vision exam, glasses and lenses, contacts, and even LASIK discounts. Coverage is available across the country, including these participating providers: VisionWorks, America’s Best, Sam’s Club®, Walmart and Costco. BOTH plans have no cost increase for 2024!

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Choose GEBA for More Choices, More Savings

If you need to change your current GEBA vision coverage, such as upgrading to enhanced, downgrading to standard, or adding or removing a spouse or dependent(s), please click the enroll button and complete an application. If you are satisfied with your current GEBA coverage, you do not need to take any action during the Open Enrollment period. Your coverage will automatically renew in 2024.

Our Knowledgeable Member Services Staff Can Help!


[email protected]      |     (410) 657-8060 or (800) 826-1126

M-F 8:00 a.m.-4:30 p.m. ET

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