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Delta Dental Terminology

At GEBA, we want to ensure that you have all the necessary information to make an informed decision regarding your dental care. To make sure of this, we’ve compiled the list of dental terms below to assist you in analyzing your dental coverage options.

If you have any additional questions, please call GEBA to speak to one of our Member Services Representatives at (800) 826-1126. Or email us at [email protected].

Diagnostic: oral examinations, routine cleanings, X-rays

Preventive: fluoride treatments (to age 19); teeth cleaning; sealants (to age 14); space maintainers (to age 14)

Basic Restorative: fillings (amalgam/silver and composite/white on non-molars)

Oral Surgery: extraction and oral surgery procedures, including pre- and post-operative care; general anesthesia is covered when used in conjunction with covered oral surgical procedures

Endodontics: procedures for pulpal therapy and root canals

Periodontics: treatment to the gums and supporting structures of the teeth; surgical and non-surgical periodontal treatment is covered

Major Restorative: crowns, inlays, onlays, cast restorations

Prosthodontics: procedures for replacement of missing teeth by construction or repair of bridges and partial or complete dentures

Orthodontics (Enhanced Plan & DeltaCare® USA): procedure for straightening teeth (example: braces)

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