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Emergency Travel Plan FAQ

The member will need to provide an English translation if necessary documentation is in a foreign language.

No, this policy does not cover the cost of a rental car, gas, or mileage.

If the family member’s condition is a pre-existing condition that was diagnosed prior to the effective date of this insurance, GEBA mandates a 1 year waiting period before the plan participant can utilize the coverage to tend to that family member.


If the visitee’s condition is NOT pre-existing (diagnosed prior to the effective date of this policy), coverage to visit that person is immediate. All travel during the first year of coverage requires a Physician’s Statement. Determination of the date of onset of the condition is determined by the attending physician.

If travel is a result of a significant decline in health as a result of a family member’s injury or illness rather than death, a physician’s statement must accompany the claim. The physician’s statement must indicate that it was recommended that you be in attendance at the time of or immediately following the decline in health. The decline in health results in placing the family member in "serious condition." A patient in "serious condition" is 1. acutely ill with an uncertain chance of recovery and 2. hospitalized in an acute or intensive care setting.

Pre-existing condition limitations may apply. In certain circumstances, the attending physician may be required to attest to the fact that a medical procedure was a result of an injury or illness. Travel for optional and/or scheduled surgeries are not covered.

Plan participants are encouraged to travel on coach or air or train economy (lowest travel class of seating) for maximum coverage reimbursement. No change fees, booking fees, EarlyBird check-in, or travel insurance costs will be reimbursed. Any portion of airfare/ train fare that has been refunded or returned as a credit is not eligible for reimbursement. Round-trip travel will be reimbursed only for a single destination. A scheduled stopover for more than 24 hours will be deemed as the destination of your trip. Coverage includes reimbursement of 80% for one checked baggage fee per person.

Pre-existing conditions are excluded during the first 12 months after the effective date of coverage. If a family member received advice or treatment or had a condition diagnosed before the effective date of coverage and travel commences for that family member during the first 12 months due to that condition, the plan will not cover that travel. Any illness or death caused by any non-pre-existing condition would be covered. Any pre-existing condition would be covered after the plan has been effective for 12 consecutive months.

Easy payment options Premiums can be paid through payroll allotment (NSA/DIA employees only) or automatic debit from a checking or savings account. If paying via automatic debit, please complete the “Automatic Debit Payment Request” section of the enrollment form and send in a voided personal check. 

If your selected payment methods fails to make a payment to GEBA, GEBA will make attempt to receive payment either by automatic debit from a checking or savings account (if applicable) or send a bill. If you do not remedy the problem within 90 days of the failed payment, GEBA will retroactively terminate your coverage to the failed payment date. We will notify you about the termination action.

You can keep your ETP plan as long as you want, regardless of retirement, resignation, or moving to a new location.

Each plan participant – you, your spouse or domestic partner, and your dependent(s) – are allowed one covered trip during a consecutive 12-month period.

All current and former* Federal employees, and active and retired Military are eligible to enroll in GEBA’s Emergency Travel Plan. Plan participants may elect coverage for a spouse (unless legally separated), domestic partner, and dependent children up to age 26 under their own plan. 

If you, the GEBA member, have any insurance plan or investment product with GEBA, your extended adult family members are also eligible for GEBA’s ETP, including siblings, children, parents, in-laws, grandparents, and grandchildren. Click for more information on our Sponsored Family Member Program.

* pension eligible

To change plan options, complete and submit a new Emergency Travel Plan Enrollment Form.

We recommend calling the GEBA office prior to submitting your claim to discuss eligibility.
Within 90 days of completing travel, submit a completed claim form to GEBA with your airline, or train ticket receipts. In the case of injury or illness, a physician's statement attesting to the need for your trip must also be attached. A physician statement form is available on the GEBA website. In the event of a death, a copy of the death certificate must also be attached. Claims must be submitted within 90 days of travel.

Submit a completed Claim Form to GEBA. All claims must be submitted to: GEBA, 1362 Mellon Road, #100, Hanover, MD 21076, or email [email protected], or fax (410) 846-6420.

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