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Group Long Term Disability Insurance FAQs

You may continue to hold your previous coverage for as long as you work and continue to pay your premiums until age 70. 

GEBA's insurance plan is tertiary to CSRS, FERS, and Social Security and does require you to file for all disability benefits for which you are eligible. GEBA's insurance plan allows for a maximum total payment of 67% of your base salary including locality pay. After adding up all your disability benefits, your GEBA benefit will be reduced to as low as $200/month to compensate for the disability benefits from other sources. 

While it depends on the type of disability and whether additional information is needed, the claim process normally takes between 3 and 6 weeks. Once the claim is processed, the Waiting Period must be satisfied before any benefits are paid. Once the claim has been processed AND the Waiting Period has been satisfied, your first benefit check (and potentially any retroactive payment earned) will be sent via regular mail on a monthly basis. 

GEBA’s Group Long Term Disability Insurance, underwritten by New York Life Insurance Company, can replace a percentage of the income of an active employee who suffers a total or partial covered disability. The benefits become payable after the waiting period you selected. 

A covered injury or illness that wholly and continuously prevents you from performing the essential duties of your regular occupation for the first 24 months following your selected Waiting Period; and after that, wholly and continuously prevents you from engaging in any occupation for which you are or may become reasonably qualified by reason of education, training, or experience.

A waiting period is how long you must wait from the time you become totally disabled until your benefits begin. Your waiting period is determined by your choice of 90 or 180 days. 

Yes. The amount you receive while working part-time will be calculated as the percentage of your full-time salary times your enrolled benefit. While you remain disabled, you will receive that percentage of your insurance. 

Download and complete an application. The application is subject to medical underwriting and approval by the carrier.

  • For New Hires who apply within 60 days of hire, an abbreviated online application can be used for a guaranteed issue of $1,600 monthly benefit for you plus a $1,000 monthly benefit for your spouse/domestic partner, and a 90-day waiting period. You must be age 55 or younger and a U.S. citizen to qualify for the new hire offer.
  • For general application, underwriting can take 4 to 8 weeks, depending upon whether the insurance company requests medical records or testing (they pay for these records and tests). Your effective date will be the first of the month, or the first of the next pay period if paying premiums via payroll allotment, following approval by New York Life.

The Group Long Term Disability Insurance Plan is underwritten by New York Life Insurance Company, 51 Madison Ave, New York, NY 10010. Under Group Policy G-29344-0 on Policy Form GMR-FACE/G-29344-0 

New York Life’s state of domicile is New York, and NAIC ID # is 66915

New York Life is licensed/authorized to transact business in all of the 50 United States, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, and Canada. However, not all group plans it underwrites are available in all jurisdictions. Please check the applicable insurance brochures for current availability. 

Bates: 1656988 

Group Long Term Disability Icon

Comprehensive Disability Insurance coverage you should consider*

  • Tax-free payments up to $7,500 per month (not to exceed 67% of gross monthly salary). Please consult with your tax advisor for more information.
  • Coverage for a working spouse/domestic partner is also available. (Member coverage is required.)
  • Affordable group rates with many convenient payment options.
  • Benefits are protected from inflation. Cost of Living Adjustments begins with your second year of collecting disability. Up to six annual adjustments will be made, with a maximum annual increase of 6%.
  • Partial Disability and Rehabilitation Benefits.
  • Premiums will be waived after you begin receiving your benefit for a covered disability.
  • Survivor Income Benefits, when available, are paid to the insured’s designated beneficiary (a benefit equal to three monthly disability payments).

*Sponsored Family Members are not eligible for the Group Long Term Disability Insurance Plan.

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